Monday, November 23, 2009

hi everybody!
our blog is ready! there are still lots of things to be done and designed and placed here - but the structure is complete.

I think that this can become a great space for us to organize ourselves better and meet more often. The calendar should display the scheduled play dates for at least couple months in advance. And of course we can always add new gatherings and events to get our little ones together.

Our meetings will bring our kids closer and make them develop a good friendship. In the future we can use the play dates to teach them portuguese, brazilian songs and some of our holidays and traditions.

I am looking forward to getting closer to all of you. I hope we'll all get excited and become a fun mommy club!

oh! little notes:
- I chose to have our blog in both languages but have not translated everything yet. since many of the dads are american they might want to check our pages (also for some reason is way easier for me to write in english)but feel free to write as you want to.
- on the 'members' page each picture will lead to a page for each child's details :) that feature will come later
- all of you are very encouraged to add posts, pictures, events and news often. I can definitely show how to anyone who needs instruction.


gente, o nosso querido blog ta pronto!!!!
ainda tem muita coisa pra arrumar e mudar e fazer, mas essa eh a estrutura!

Esse espaco online pode se tornar um otimo lugar pra gente se organizar melhor e nos encontrarmos ainda mais. O calendario deve conter as datas dos playdates dos proximos dois meses. E eh claro que a gente pode adicionar encontros diferentes e eventos para as nossas criancas se encontrarem.

Nossas reunioes vao servir para trazer nossos filhos mais proximos e se tornarem amigos. No futuro podemos utilizar os playdates para ensinar portugues, musicas brasileiras e alguns dos nossos feriados e tradicoes.

Estou animada em conhecer todas melhor e espero que todo mundo se anime tambem!

- eu acho que o blog deve ser nas duas linguas mas ainda nao traduzi todas as paginas. Escrevam como quiserem :)
- no futuro, em 'members' cada crianca tera um link para a sua propria pagina.
- encorajo todas a adicionar posts, fotos, eventos e novidades constantemente. precisando de instrucoes eu ajudo feliz!


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